Juvenile Delinquency
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In Connecticut, Juvenile Courts handle cases for children under the age of eighteen who have been charged with a crime. Seven is the minimum age to have capacity to commit a crime and be sent to juvenile court accused of being a delinquent. Delinquent is what the courts call a child who has been accused or convicted of a crime in juvenile court.

If you are 17 years old and charged with a motor vehicle offense, your case will be heard in adult court. Most of the time this is ok, because the punishment is usually just a fine and a conviction does not create a permanent criminal record. If there is a chance that a motor vehicle case could result in jail time, you or your lawyer can ask the judge to move the motor vehicle case to juvenile court.

If you are over the age of 15, any felony charge could be transferred to the adult court. If you are charged with a very serious offense (Class A and some Class B felonies) your case will be automatically transferred. If you are charged with a lesser felony, the prosecutor can ask the court to transfer your case to the adult court.  You have the right to a hearing before that happens.